
Our History

"So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work."

- Nehemiah 4:6 (KJV)

Humble beginnings

The New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church was organized in the home of Dec. & Sis. Herman Myles, under the direction of Rev. Willie Adams, Sr. At this meeting it was decided that church services would be held at 3902 Kilkenny Street, Houston, TX, at the location where the (late) Rev. L.J. Harvey was pastor.

Early Founders

The late Rev. W. T. Burks, and late moderator and Rev. W.R. Fuller, Vice President and Officers of the Southwest Baptist District, officially organized our church, on October 17, 1973.

Land Ownership

We purchased land, in 1974, on Kilkenny, with anticipation of building our future church. The late Precilla Hinton-Thomas donated a large sum of money toward the purchase of that land and enabled us to pay (in full), the entire balance owed on the land, in November, 1975.

Ground Breaking

New Jerusalem was financed through Modern Church Bond Finance program, in June 1997. We started construction in 1978, but because of legality issues from the Shamrock Manor Civic Club, we were unable to complete construction, at the Kilkenny site. This minor setback did not deter us, because we kept the scripture in mind..., "So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work."

 - Nehemiah 4:6 (KJV)

Construction Begins

In the summer of 1979, we found another location. It was here at the present site (4801 Allison Road) that we began construction. We officially entered our present edifice on May 3, 1981. For forty-two years we grew under the peacefuland loving leadership of Rev. Willie Adams, Sr.

Do Greater Works

In 2016, the late Pastor Willie Adams, Sr. became Emeritus Pastor and at the installation service of Rev. Willie Adams, Jr. – the Emeritus pastor lovingly passed the spiritual baton to his son and said, “Do greater works…” 

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